Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University

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About the Library

Mattu University Library and information Center was established the University academic Library in 2011 as soon as the university starts its functionality. Currently we have three libraries in the main campus; and one more branch library from Bedele campus. There is also one Public Library in Metu town to deliver its service to local community. 

University library is commissioned to promote the Instructional, Research, and Public Service goals of the entire university community through the expert provision of information.

In its attempt to achieve the set mission and vision of the University, the Library and information center set out deliberately to function the following activities. 

  • Developing and managing collections of information.
  • Identifying and providing learning resources to students, teachers, researchers, and, other staff members and community at large. 
  • Managing available resources efficiently, effectively and economically.
  • Establishing an environment conductive to study which caters for multiple learning styles.
  • Liaising with users to establish their needs and to cooperate with management and other university services to meet these needs.
  • Training users and staffs to develop their information exploitation skills for efficient and effective utilization of information resources.

Carrying out appropriate development work in library and information professionalism with the aim of improving library’s multiple purpose services. 

Vision of the Library:

To make the library a model library and information center in its services and co-ordinations for the users in the country by the year 2030.

 Mission of the library

  • To satisfy the need of users to obtain current information by collecting various written results in soft and hard copy for the library, properly strengthening circulation, periodical, reference, internal and documentation reading services, as well as expanding digital library and internet services.
  • To enable users find and use information (books, etc.) according to their fields and types, by organizing the technical services of the library in a modern way, by classifying them easily and quickly.
  • To be a source of information for its users, where internal and external researchers who conduct research and research can get information.

 Values of the Library

Provide equal service to all customers

·       Develop joint responsibility and accountability

·       Work with a shared mission and vision

·       Promote efficient use of resources

·       Promote Love of work, respect and good manners

·       Will establish good governance at the center

·       Inculcate the attitude of diversity.

Director’s Massage 

As the last semester and 2015 E.C. draw to a close I reflect upon the changes we have experienced this year. I appreciate the resiliency and persistence I have witnessed across the Libraries within the campus over the past several years as we worked and planned together to ensure the continued success of our students. In particular, I appreciate the team of library members and staff, who, despite the challenges, doubled-down on our commitment to providing equitable and inclusive access to information and technology (the digital wing) resources. 

As one of the functional components of the university it is responsible to deliver quality library services to fulfil the university mission and vision. We are living in the dynamic environment where yesterday information is input for utilizing today’s resource and planning the future. As concept and services of library is dramatically changed with the skills necessary for manipulating information our customers (users) can access library from remote as far as there is Internet connection. Our main objective is satisfying user’s information needs with quality library services for we made the library resources can be accessed easily.

Libraries continue to be here to fill the gaps our students, instructors, staff, and community members might experience. We strive to provide equitable and inclusive access to our resources, services, and spaces, and ready in better position for upcoming years.

Contact US


Mr. Sultan Jenbo Kuyu

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